But who am I really?
We all believe to need identity. Some are happy with the one they found but it is static (and limiting). Others struggle. What if our need of a fixed identity is replaced by a continuous connectedness with the flow of life?
Presence connects more!
When touch comes out of a state of presence, we connect to our timeless essence and the connection transmutes into universal oneness.
Kae: My Journey Toward Owning My Erotic Self
I talk about sex a lot. Over the past two years, I have connected with and coached hundreds of men. Why then, I wonder, have I been so reticent to explore the explicit?
Naked before God
Before God? Perhaps I should explain. The word, for me, does not mean something or somebody that can be defined or described, but rather the opposite: the ineffable mystery which still relates to me through an equally ineffable love. A mystery that I cannot grasp and