The content here is very personal to me. And it's for friends. If you already have an account, please
Login. Otherwise it's time to join the freeguz community!
That means:
register as a user at this Website. You just need an eMail address (or create one for it if you need to be incognito). Once you registered you get
access to all my personal content and to a starting and growing community of honesty.
That's free, no commercial goal. Next time just login or save your login in your browser. We all went through a lot of shit. And have found ways to finally celebrate our sexuality alongside with our spirituality. Or still are craving for answers. It's time to connect.
That's all I really need. But as this is a wonderful opportunity to connect with like-minded people I invite you to share a bit more with us (and with me if/how we connected before).
↓ Optional ↓
--- Contact before (or in future) ---
Which channel on social media have we been connected with? Or which one's do you want to let us know to connect there, too?
--- Yourself ---
You can write us about special interests, problems you are looking to solve, info about your gender identity or preference (This blog is addressing male identifying GBTQ persons) or about language problems.--- Language ---
// DE Ich bin deutsch, du kannst mir persönlich auch auf deutsch schreiben. // ES Hablo español y me gustaría saber si te cuesta entender ingles. // FR Je parle français, et j'aimerais savoir si anglais est un problème pour toi. // OTHER I don't speak other languages well enough.